Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Football/Drill Team Pic 1994

Okay, we finally have gotten us a scanner (can you believe it?!)
And one of the first pictures that Michael scans is this one.
Look at all that hair! I haven't seen that much hair in 15 years - hehehehe
This is from our senior year in high school 1994 Homecoming game
(we were the Tom Bean Tomcats) :)
We have lots of good memories over the past 17 years together!
My next goal, is to get all of Nathaniel's baby pictures scanned (they are all printed photos- and I have a ton of them to do).

Cute Kids!

Here's a Spring picture of Nathaniel and Lydia together.

Nathaniel's 1st Grade Class Photo

Here is Nathaniel's 1st grade class photo. There he is in the front row ... with a 'cheesy' smile ")